Saturday, May 5, 2012

Secrets of a Fangirl: Season 2 Episode 70 part 1

Secrets of a Fangirl: Season 2 Episode 70 part 1

Recap: Taylor's in labor!! :D with Britt and Cam, they're in the car on the way back to New Jersey. Cam: This is so amazing. Britt: I know I can't wait to get there. Cam: How do you think they're doing? Britt: Joe is probably freaking out and Taylor might be too. This is her first baby. Cam: We're champs at this. **smiles some** Britt: **smiles back at her** Cam:**turns the radio on, they're listening to music** Britt: How are you taking this whole Jessie thing? Cam: I wish I knew her better. All I know about her is that she's a badass army babe who got knocked up by my brother in law while they were in basic training. She's also very sweet and she's a great mom. She doesn't deserve this. She's not even 30. She's so young. Britt: **nods** I want to have Libby around more. Cam: Agreed. Her cousins love her and ask about her all the time. Britt: It's like she's sort of excluded now. Cam: **nods** Yeah, well now we'll have to have her come over more often. with Joe and Taylor, ! they're in the hospital, it's almost midnight. Taylor: How many centimeters am I dilated? Joe: Honey you know-- Taylor: Just tell me! Joe: Six. Taylor: And how many am I supposed to be? Joe: **sighs** Ten. Taylor: **getting frustrated** Ugh I want Britt and Cam here now. Joe: **walks to the door** Taylor: Where are you going? Don't leave me here. **pouts** Joe: I thought you didn't want me in here, Taylor: What gave you that idea? I love you. Come here. Joe's POV: You love this woman. She's in labor ...